Midwife Checklist in Austin, TX
What is a midwife checklist and how can it help me?
We know that selecting a midwife is a very important personal decision. That's why we've provided the questions below to help you conduct candidate interviews. This list is based on our many years of experience working with a wide range of clients. Consider it a starting point and remove or add questions based on your personal preferences. Going through this process will help you discover the birth experience you want and the best midwife to support it. Please know that the midwives at Abundance Midwifery Service are ready to address these and any other questions or concerns you may have.
Midwife Checklist
1. How many births have you attended without intervention(s)?
2. Do you practice alone or with others?
3. What kind of childbirth preparation do you recommend?
4. How much do you charge? Is your care paid for by my insurance?
5. Do you care for women who want a vaginal birth after a previous C-section?
6. Do you provide labor support and stay with women throughout labor?
7. How do you feel about doulas or family & friends being with me during labor?
8. Do you allow moving around and eating or drinking during labor?
9. What would be the causes for an induction discussion?
10. Will I be given at least 42 weeks to go into spontaneous labor?
11. What is your Cesarean birth rate?
12. Who else will attend the birth with you?
13. What kinds of medications or tools can you access in case of an emergency?
14. Do you have an obstetrician/gynecologist agreement for care if needed?
15. What types of comfort measures will be available?
16. How long will you stay after birth?
17. How long will I stay after birth?
18. Can I hold my baby right after birth, breastfeed, and not be separated?
19. What interventions/treatments/tools do you NOT use?
20. Will a midwife support me and stay with me if I transfer?
21. What would "risk me out" of care?
22. What is your transfer rate? Where would I go?
23. Under what conditions would you consider a transfer?
24. Are you trained in newborn resuscitation?
25. How many times do you visit after my baby is born?